Stretch - Band And Glute

Recommendations: 1-3 Sets, 6-10 Reps, 10-30 Dur

Intermediate Hip Abductors Glutes Stretching Band Gym

Purpose: This exercise is a controlled, balanced inner hip exercise for abducting the hip.

Benefits: This is a good exercise for strengthening the muscles for raising the legs to the sides.

Lie face up on an exercise mat on the floor. Your legs are stretched straight back. Wrap a band around your right foot and cross it over the body to the left side. This is the starting position. Slowly pull on the band to create tension in the calves and hamstrings. Hold this stretch for 10-30 seconds. Breathe normally. Return to the starting position. Lie face up on an exercise mat on the floor. Your legs are stretched straight back. Wrap a band around your right foot and cross it over the body to the left side. Repeat for the required number of repetitions. Lie face up on an exercise mat on the floor. Your legs are stretched straight back. Wrap a band around your left foot and cross it over the body to the right side. This is the starting position. Slowly pull on the band to create tension in the calves and hamstrings. Hold this stretch for 10-30 seconds. Breathe normally. Return to the starting position. Lie face up on an exercise mat on the floor. Your legs are stretched straight back. Wrap a band around your left foot and cross it over the body to the right side. Repeat for the required number of repetitions.

There are four groups of muscles that cause movement in the hip joint. They include the gluteal group, the lateral rotator group, the adductor group, and the iliopsoas group. The prime group for hip adduction is, obviously, the adductor group, a group of muscles on the inner hip joint.

Step 1

Lie face up on the floor, band around your right foot, right leg crossed over body.


Lie face up on an exercise mat on the floor. Your legs are stretched straight back. Wrap a band around your right foot and cross it over the body to the left side. This is the starting position.

Step 2

Pull on the band. Pause.


Slowly pull on the band to create tension in the calves and hamstrings. Hold this stretch for 10-30 seconds. Breathe normally.

Step 3

Let your legs return to starting position.


Return to the starting position. Lie face up on an exercise mat on the floor. Your legs are stretched straight back. Wrap a band around your right foot and cross it over the body to the left side.

Step 4

Lie face up on the floor, band around your left foot, left leg crossed over body.


Lie face up on an exercise mat on the floor. Your legs are stretched straight back. Wrap a band around your left foot and cross it over the body to the right side. This is the starting position.

Step 5

Pull on the band. Pause.


Slowly pull on the band to create tension in the calves and hamstrings. Hold this stretch for 10-30 seconds. Breathe normally.

Step 6

Let your legs return to starting position.


Return to the starting position. Lie face up on an exercise mat on the floor. Your legs are stretched straight back. Wrap a band around your left foot and cross it over the body to the right side.